Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Simple Company Website Can Be A Great Marketing Strategy For Your Startup

Author: Eashani Rodrigo

It is important for the startup businesses to think about when to start marketing their business. In fact, this is a common question that every startup face after setting up their company.

Here is a recommendation - start the marketing of your business with a simple and effective company website. A simple company website can be a great marketing strategy that can benefit your business in short and long term, and here is why: 

Company Website as a Marketing Strategy

  • It is efficient and cost-effective:

Generally, the marketing budget of any startup is limited; therefore, it is important for every startup to think about efficient and low cost marketing strategies to build a long-term sustainable business. Building a company website is a low cost yet effective marketing strategy that can integrate with many other online marketing strategies focusing on short- or long-term goals. For an instance: a company can decide to use online advertising as a strategy to giveaway discounted coupons as a promotional campaign focused on short-term sales increments. By integrating the website with the online advertising strategy, company can use their website as the source to distribute coupons to the customers who click on the ads.

Moreover, a website is a great marketing channel to provide information that consumers demand, as well as it is an effective tool to market company products and services. For an example Wal-Mart Stores the world’s largest retailer, use their ecommerce website to provide individual product information for the consumers allowing them to purchase online with delivery or order items online and pick them up in store.

  • Online presence of your company is important

According to an analysis conducted by Forbs, the global number of internet users has reached 2,923 million by year 2014 and that is nearly 40% of world population. This is why your online presence is important.

Your company’s online presence creates a virtual identity for your business, and acts as a reference point for the public to learn about you, and to reach you. A website is the key to build that online presence, and this is where you can start building your company image. Moreover, your online presence has the capability to equalize your company with your industry competitors. Just think about it, as consumers we all have a perception in our mind – ‘if a company have a great website, it is a well running company regardless of its size’.

  • Your website is the central component of businesses’ digital strategy

Your website can act as the hub for your digital strategy. Many online companies use this as a main strategy to drive their sales (e.g. Amazon, eBay). For them, their website is the core component of their business existence. While they have their e-commerce website as the core of their business, they use different online marketing strategies to drive traffic to their company website. For an instance, integration of online marketing strategies such as content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing and display advertising to direct visitors to their website. Once a potential customer visits the website, it acts as the source to provide information and to persuade the customer to make the buying decision.  Similarly, any company can use this strategy to drive visitors to their website by integrating all other online marketing strategies with the central component – which is the company website.

  •  Reach customers worldwide

Either your target market is local or international, you can use your website to target any customer base dispersed geographically, or limited to your focused geographical area. Using language customization option in your website allows you to target different consumer categories in international as well as in local market.

  • Consumers demand information to make their buying decision 

The simple traditional buying process has become complicated with the new information era. A study conducted by McKinsey – ‘The consumer decision journey”- concluded that, when consumers decide to make a purchase they no longer proceed in a linear "purchasing funnel" process, but in a circular process. According to the new process, information plays a vital role in the consumer decision journey.

Prior to any buying decision consumers strongly rely on the information they gather through the internet and other sources. They search and compare available suppliers in the market, competitor products, value added services and existing customer reviews, before making any buying decision. Therefore, information play a critical role in the decision making process of the consumer.

Just think yourself as a consumer who wishes to buy a musical instrument from a musical instruments shop in your area. What would be the steps you follow? First, you would search the internet for the musical instruments shops in your area.  Then you would visit their websites and compare brands and prices of the available instruments mentioned in the website. Your attention will draw more towards the websites that have images of the musical instruments with their specific details and the prices. This information can be persuasive, as it can influence you to change your preference of the brand, design or the price, and even the seller you initially had in your mind. Finally, once you made the decision on the seller and the product you want to buy you would look for the contact details of the seller to go for a purchase or to make an inquiry.

This would be the same psychology of your consumers; therefore, use your website to provide all the information that consumers demand - it will help them to make an easy buying decision and to choose your company over your competitors.

  • Build your reputation

Your company website can be used not only to market your services and products but also to market your company - in other words to build your company reputation. Make your website a communication channel to convey information to the public about your company background, company management, affiliations, achievements, client base, success stories, and even customer testimonials. This can build your company reputation and its public image.

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